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First let me start out for giving you guys some much deserved love! Holy shit. You guys are truly amazing. And I can't thank you guys enough for sticking with me over these past 10 months of inactivity. This past year in general has been exceptionally hard. I have been struggling with some personal things, and honestly, I didn't expect them to effect me like they did. I know, alot of writers go through a lot of things and still post, but I'm not one of those people. I honestly feel horrible, because I have been gone so long and neglected all of you. Now, with that said, the immense amount of hate I got was extensive and unnecessary. Honestly. I though about deleting my account numerous times because getting shit , from people, who don't know anything about what is happening in your personal life is more annoying than anything else. I wrote a shit ton of chapters during the time that I have been gone, and after reading them recently I realized that they didn't go in the direction that I wanted the stories to go in. They went down a path that I didn't want them to even wander down so I am currently re writing them. And the answer is NO. For all the questions asking if I personally deleted Jenna's Strange Addiction. I had spent some time not even visiting the site, and when I finally came back I realized it was gone. It literally was as big as a shock to me as it was to you. Now with that said, with some new revising and editing and new chapters I plan on re uploading it. I have some major writing plans for myself and now that I have least gotten back to my old routine , I can honestly say that I am ready to publish more stories, add more to some, take off of some, and to put more of my work out there! Thank you guys so much for the support over this very long and never ending like time in my life, and I'm truly so happy to have all of you.

Until next time,
                           xoxo Airr. 


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